1. Deb Denning

    Looking forward to this blog. I love someone with autism. A manual just doesn’t cover all the bases.

    • Thank you for your comment! And thank you for subscribing to the blog! I am open to suggestions as we move along this journey too. And you are right, a manual does not cover it all. Tracy

  2. Bonnie Sternes

    Enjoyed reading your blog Tracy….you’re a natural at this….looking forward to more !

    (Aunt) Bonnie

  3. Kelly

    I too was advised by my counselor to take intro to communications disorders in college and had no idea what a speech pathologist was! I have been working in EI my entire career (28 years). Best decision I ever made! I feel so fortunate to have a career that I truly love! Enjoyed your post! Looking forward to more!

  4. Kristi Frederick

    I loved your first blog entry. Thanks for sharing and letting us learn more about you. And I can’t wait to learn more from you!

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